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The end of your search for a Friendly church...
A Christ centered...Bible on the top of the hill



We live in a world that was created by God. All around us we see the evidence of His presence and with the Psalmist we know "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. There is no language or speech where their voice is not heard." (Psalm 19) Within each of us there is a desire to acknowledge and worship this One we recognize as our creator, the Almighty God. Sin entered God's perfect creation separating mankind from his loving heavenly Father. But God's love again reached out to us as He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to teach us about God and save us through His death and resurrection. In a loud voice they sang: "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" (Rev 5:12) As a congregation we meet each first day of the week for worship and Bible study. Corporate worship is a time set apart to meet with other Christians to acknowledge the presence of God and to honor Him. Worship, however, is certainly not limited to the time we spend together on Sunday, but is best expressed by how we honor Christ as we live each day.

If you would like to join others in acknowledging the presence of God.... we invite you to worship with us.The nursery is available during the entire service -- if no one is there, please tell a greeter that you are interested in the nursery.  But don't feel compelled to use it, if you (or your baby) is more comfortable in the service -- that's fine with us.  The sounds of babies means that the church is alive and growing.Children through first grade are dismissed from the worship service to primary church after the children's message, which immediately follows our praise music.
Children second grade through fifth grade are dismissed from the worship to junior church just before the sermon.  This allows children who wish to partake of communion to do so.


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