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The end of your search for a Friendly church...
A Christ centered...Bible on the top of the hill





Children are a priority of the church. God blesses us with children and we in turn are to teach them values that will become the foundation upon which they will build their lives. The most important thing we can teach them is that knowing Jesus is absolutely essential in preparing for life here, as well as for eternity.

We provide Biblical teaching, worship, fellowship and service opportunities, through a variety of programs for youth. Some of these programs are:

Sunday School (Preschool - Adult)
Adventure Club (Preschool - Sixth )
Youth Meetings (Middle and High School)
Vacation Bible School (Preschool - Eighth)
Church Camp (First - Senior High)
Yearly Missions Trip (Eighth - College)
Monthly Activities (Various age groups)

Youth need Bible teaching and spiritual guidance. They also need opportunities for a good time in a supervised environment. We provide activities such as white water rafting, tubing on Lake Erie, bowling, camping, sporting events, and Christian concerts. The church has a gym and youth room that offer hours of enjoyment with a variety of activities for children of all ages. These facilities are available to families for birthday parties or other special events at no charge.

For more information see the Director of Youth Ministries and/or the Youth Flier.

If you have children who could benefit from this.... please join us. If you would like to help children.... we can us your help.

Children in the Worship Service:
The nursery is available during the entire service -- if no one is there, please tell a greeter that you are interested in the nursery.  But don't feel compelled to use it, if you (or your baby) is more comfortable in the service -- that's fine with us.  The sounds of babies means that the church is alive and growing.Children through first grade are dismissed from the worship service to primary church after the children's message, which immediately follows our praise music.Children second grade through fifth grade are dismissed from the worship to junior church just before the sermon.  This allows children who wish to partake of communion to do so.

Youth Programs   Summer Mission Trip


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