
The Fowlers Mill Christian Church was organized in 1839, just 63 years after
the Declaration of Independence was signed and 12 years before the Civil War.
Martin VanBuren was the eighth president, there were 26 states in the union.
Munson was a small settlement on the frontier of the Western Reserve. The men
and women that started the church were hardy pioneers that had an abiding faith
in God. In 1842 they completed the building which became a house of worship and
a base camp for ministry to the community.
Since that time much has changed, 24 states have joined the union, Edison
invented electric lights, Henry Ford revolutionized transportation, the Wright
brothers introduced manned flight, and man has landed on the moon. We have
changed from a rural farming community to the fast paced life of suburbia.
Some things however, have not changed. God is still the object of our love and
worship. Man still needs Jesus as Savior, the Bible for instruction, and the
local church for fellowship and encouragement. The Fowlers Mill Christian Church
remains true to the Word of God and its commitment to the needs of the
community. We believe that the teachings of the Bible must be the basis of our
personal lives and our society if we are to find happiness. God made us, he
knows our needs, and he has given us the instruction manual.
If you would like to help us continue this tradition of service to God and our
community... we invite you to join us. |