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The end of your search for a Friendly church...
A Christ centered...Bible on the top of the hill





The Fowlers Mill Christian Church is an independent Christian Church that is built upon Jesus Christ and looks to the Bible for God's instructions (2 Tim 3:16). When Jesus died on the cross He paid the penalty for our sins. Then we accept Him as Lord and Savior and by faith commit our lives to His authority. He forgives our sin and fills us with His Spirit (Acts 2:38). Being Christian is not just following a set of rules but having a relationship with Jesus who died that we might live. God is not a cosmic killjoy who is waiting to punish us if we are having fun, but a loving father who is trying to protect us from danger. Just as we make rules to protect our children from harm our heavenly Father gives us rules to protect us. God knows that sin not only keeps us from heaven but it also creates problems for us here on earth. Just think how much better this world would be if we all followed the Ten Commandments. When we realize that God loves us and is trying to help us find happiness we surrender to His will. Our motivation to do what is right now comes from our desire to please the One who knows best and loves us perfectly. The questions is no longer, "What do I have to do to get to heaven?", but becomes "God, how can I show You how much I love You?" If you would like to know more about the teachings of Jesus and God's plan for your life.... we invite you to study the Bible us.



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